
Showing posts from May, 2021

Orthodontics Anywhere

  Dental health care is changing around the world, and innovative technologies are being developed to support and promote clients and patients. All new technologies, such as teledentisty, are thought to be based on modern dental technology. Teledentistry allows patients and orthodontic practitioners to collaborate remotely for initial appointments and orthodontic checkups.   To support her patients’ needs, Dr. Maria Yazji offers Anywhere Smile® services . Dr. Maria Yazji uses image technology to track and monitor orthodontic care progress remotely with fewer in-clinic visits.    Usually, patients confuse remote orthodontic consultation with DIY orthodontics. DIY orthodontics is about attempting to get your teeth straightened without consultation to an orthodontic specialist or dental professional. We do not recommend DYI orthodontics, as these types of treatments are not reliable, and people can permanently damage their face and smile.W...