Remote Orthodontics
Orthodontics is a great way to straighten teeth, to improve aesthetics, and prevention from several orthodontic related issues in the future. The treatment usually requires home and clinical management with certain specifications so to achieve the best- desired results. As of its nature, orthodontic treatment requires frequent clinical visits through the treatment duration so that the orthodontist will keep track of the changes and adjust the orthodontic system accordingly. Sometimes these frequent visits to the clinical setting may not be feasible for the clients because of various reasons such as commute, busy schedule, and other reasons of course. To overcome such issues, we at Dr. Maria Yazji Contemporary Orthodontics developed a program that introduces orthodontic treatments that are easy to follow up and manage even from far-flung areas. Anywhere Smiles ® is a remote monitoring orthodontic system that allows patients and orthodontists to communicate, discuss, an...